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Sanria Team 4 - Tamarind Grove Fromt View

Home | Projects | Ongoing Projects | Tamarind Grove



Tamarind Grove is the 4th project being executed by Sanria Team 4 ventures. All the previous projects have been completed and handed over to property owners, The development is completed in all aspects and Some of the salient features of Tamarind Grove project are

  • Landscaping with Drip irrigation
  • The property is a blend of residential Villas and Sites
  • The property is ready for immediate registration and building houses
  • All eco friendly aspects like Rain water harvesting has been implemented
  • Fully Developed Park
  • One of the first projects in Mysore to have pre cast RCC man -holes, Granite covered RCC storm water drains, Underground Power cables & water supply to individual site. Separate drain for Power and communication network and installation of CCTV camera for safety & surveillance.

Tamarind grove has been developed within an intention of retain the old Mysore charm combined with modern amenities. Tamarind Grove will have 105 occupants when all the Villas are constructed. Tamarind grove has been developed to retain Grown up trees. In addition Tree saplings have been planted. Mysore is known for tree lined roads and roads covered by the tree canopy. The selection of trees has been to precisely achieve these twin objectives. The old Mysore was known for flower beds in the parks. Tamarind Grove boasts of meters of Flower beds adjacent to the main roads within the development.

Mysore is known as one of the cleanest City in the country. Tamarind grove has been designed to be a clean residential zone. All the roads have a covered electrical Conduit and storm water drains on either side of the road. This will ensure that the roads are not filled with mud. All roads have interlocking blocks storm water traps to ensure that water logging. There are six Rain water harvesting wells, which will ensure that the water does not runoff. This rain water harvesting system for the storm water also helps in log term water security to Tamarind Grove. In addition Rain water harvesting has been in the park area. The covered Strom water drain/Electrical conduit will provide a clearly demarcated walk way for the pedestrians. When the Villas get developed, there will be segregation bins in each road to ensure that the waste segregated at the origin and also ensures that the waste is not thrown all over the road.


Some of the other salient features of Tamarind Grove are,

  • sanria Team 4 - CCTV for security

    CCTV for security of the residents

  • sanria Team 4 - Well developed Park

    Well developed Park

  • sanria Team 4 - Underground Power and Water

    Underground Power and Water connection to every site

  • sanria Team 4 - Teliphone line

    Provision for laying underground Telephone lines

  • sanria Team 4 - 100% development completed
    100% development completed and is ready for registration and construction of houses